The H2CAT network is increasing scientific productivity with economic return through initiatives that have potential
The H2CAT network boosts Catalan research in the field of hydrogen to significantly increase its scientific productivity indicators and generate technological assets with economic return. The H2CAT network’s valorisation and transfer programme has been designed to achieve these results through the following activities
H2CAT Initiatives
H2CAT Observatory
We are launching a knowledge hub with information on green hydrogen trends and developments
H2CAT vouchers
We are setting up a mechanism to provide personalised support to network members in the market, industrial and intellectual property protection and regulatory/legal areas
H2CAT products and services catalogue
We are identifying and focussing on the results of the different research groups with potential in a catalogue of H2CAT products and services
Investment forums
We are organising two investment forums in the field of hydrogen technologies for the technologies identified in the products and services catalogue
Training of researchers in business
Training of researchers in the field of valorisation, transfer and entrepreneurship
Demo Days
Demonstration sessions to create a family ecosystem and facilitate interaction and synergies between technology, society and business
Market Pull Sessions
We are organising sessions between the business sector, society and researchers to adapt network technologies to market needs