Use of hydrogen as an energy source
Maturity Level
Development Level
Protection Level
Simulation models
Integration of fuel cells (FC) in electrical grids
Fuel cells (FC) must be modelled to analyse the different working points and their integration with other equipment that make up a microgrid, as well as the benefits or drawbacks that may occur in the integration of this type of equipment to the quality and/or clean efficiency of the power system. Modelling is also required for the other components that make up a hybrid system of electrical energy production and storage, such as: photovoltaic panels, wind turbines, batteries or micro-hydro turbine. In addition to modelling, experimental validation of the behaviour and operation under static and dynamic conditions of the FC is required. This is done by integrating this equipment into a microgrid that supports the hybridisation of electrical energy production and storage technologies.
Challenges met
It is not a trivial task; it requires time, training and care to avoid accidents or malfunction of the hybrid electrical production or storage system. The integration and simulation of a hybrid system before its start-up is the best way to achieve a successful integration of the different components and to achieve operation at the optimal working point(s) of the FCs, in order to achieve the best energy production from green H2.
Scope of application
Industry in general, any industry that can incorporate fuel cells or electrolysers at some point in the process (energy, automotive, construction, etc.)
Main publications
Related projects
- GreenH2: Sustainable integration of green H2 in the production of electrical energy.