Technologies and services


Hydrogen storage and distribution

Maturity Level


Development Level


Protection Level

Geochemical modelling  


Development of geochemical (reactive transport) models combining flow processes, solute transport and chemical reactions. The models are applied to the study of gas-water-rock interaction, both at laboratory scale and at field scale (underground storage). They allow a quantitative interpretation of laboratory experiments (changes in chemical and mineralogical compositions) and the evaluation of possible effects at the field level.

Challenges met

  • Quantitative interpretation of experimental results in terms of flow properties, transport and reactivity of the different mineral phases.
  • Evaluation of possible alterations due to gas-water-rock interaction at field scale.

Scope of application

  • Research, industry

Main publications

  • Fernández-Rojo L., Soler J. M., Dávila G., Chaparro M. C., Queralt I., Cama J. (2021) Flow and reaction along the interface between hydrated Portland cement and calcareous rocks during CO2 injection. Laboratory experiments and modeling. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 108, 103331.
  • Dávila G., Cama J., Chaparro M. C., Lothenbach B., Schmitt D., Soler J. M. (2021) Interaction between CO2-rich acidic water, hydrated Portland cement and sedimentary rocks: Column experiments and reactive transport modeling. Chemical Geology 572, 120122.

Related projects

Green-HUGS – Avances para la implantación del almacenamiento subterráneo de hidrógeno para una economía basada en hidrógeno verde: mezcla y reacción. TED2021-129991B-C33.

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