Hydrogen storage and distribution
Maturity Level
Development Level
Protection Level
Laboratory-scale experimental equipment for the study of geochemical processes (gas dissolved in water and rock)
Experimental equipment to perform (1) continuous flow (columns and rock cores) and (2) batch type (autoclave; crushed material) experiments to study the interaction of dissolved hydrogen in groundwater with storage rock and/or cap rock. Pressure and temperature conditions are from 0.1 MPa to 10-15 MPa and 10-90 °C, respectively.
Challenges met
- Investigation (quantification) of geochemical processes in the interaction of dissolved hydrogen in groundwater with storage rock and/or cap rock.
- Obtaining kinetic data (e.g. dissolution reaction rates of the minerals that make up the rocks) that are included in the reactive transport models.
Scope of application
- Research centres, industry.
Main publications
Ceballos E., Cama J., Soler J.M., Hidalgo J.J., Dentz M. (2023) The Effect of H2-equilibrated SO4-rich groundwater on a marly-limestone caprock. AGU Annual Meeting 2024. San Francisco, USA.
Related projects
Green-HUGS – Avances para la implantación del almacenamiento subterráneo de hidrógeno para una economía basada en hidrógeno verde: mezcla y reacción. TED2021-129991B-C33.