Hydrogen production
Maturity Level
TRL 4-6
Development Level
Pilot plant
Integration of hydrogen with the water and waste sector
- Blue hydrogen production: CH4 recovery from biogas, upgrading and reforming
- Green hydrogen production: Development of water treatment plants for the production of green hydrogen, via electrolysis, from different types of water (desalinated, regenerated)
- Hydrogen economics and sustainability
Challenges met
- Production of quality water needed in electrolysis from alternative sources avoiding the use of potable water in a context of lack of resources.
Scope of application
Integration of green hydrogen production with the urban water cycle
Main publications
- Marzo., A. Gali., B. Lefevre., L. Bouchy., A. Vidal., JL. Cortina., A. Fabre. Hydrogen and Oxygen Production using Wastewater Effluent Treated with Ultra-Filtration and Membrane Distillation (Greenlysis). Procedia Engineering Volume 44, 2012, Pages 1744-1746
- Sergi Vinardell, Palina Nicolas, Ana María Sastre, Jose Luis Cortina, and César Valderrama. Sustainability Assessment of Green Ammonia Production To Promote Industrial Decarbonization in Spain. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2023, 11, 15975−15983
Related projects
- Greenlysis: The objective of this project was to evaluate the electrolysis technology applied to purification processes. A pilot plant was built in a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) to obtain hydrogen and oxygen from electrolysis. The hydrogen will be used as fuel for the transportation sector, replacing conventional fossil fuels; and the oxygen will be applied to the same purification process, replacing the current aeration of the biological reactor. The starting water for electrolysis will be the treated water from the WWTP effluent, which will be suitably conditioned to achieve the quality levels required for electrolysis
- Nimbus: This project aims to promote the circular economy by generating biomethane from sewage sludge and power-to-gas technologies, using it as a sustainable fuel for urban public transportation.