Hydrogen production
Maturity Level
Development Level
Protection Level
Microwave plasma pyrolysis / gases
Plasma formation is, by its nature, a gas decomposed into electrons and ions. This feature is fully exploitable to extract elements that are not of interest and use them as fuel. In the case of gases already formed and coming from other industrial processes (ammonia, CFC, etc.), nitrogen can be removed and the remaining free hydrogen can be used, recombining it into molecular hydrogen. The process is a one-stage process, depending on the complexity of the gas used. A system for capturing non-usable gas components is necessary if it is a complex molecule gas (carbons, sulphur, fluorine).
Challenges met
It resolves the need for expensive catalytic elements for gas decomposition.
Scope of application
In the energy sector, or industry in general as circular economy or symbiosis.
Main publications
Related projects
- GREENH2 – Sustainable Integration of green-H2 for chemical and energy applications
- TEMPO – Heat treatments for chemical recycling of polymeric materials