Technologies and services


Hydrogen production

Maturity Level


Development Level


Control system for an ammonia decomposition cell


Project to develop a cell for ammonia decomposition, hydrogen separation and compression in a single electrochemical device. Design of the control system, the objective of which is the optimisation of the performance and the safe and durable operation of the system. We are also working on the development of on-line parameter estimation algorithms, useful for control and also for system diagnostics. Both the control system and parameter estimation are based on dynamic models also developed within the research group.

Challenges met

  • Control of pressures, flow rates, temperatures 
  • Optimal heat management, energy optimisation, rejection of disturbances, setpoint tracking, long-lasting operation 
  • Parameter estimation.

Scope of application

Of interest to companies involved in the transport of energy through carriers (ammonia in this case), and for industry that uses hydrogen as a raw material. 

Main publications

Related projects

  • SINGLE – Electrified Single Stage Ammonia Cracking to Compressed Hydrogen 

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